Cognitive Design of the Citizen's Media Consciousness

Zheltukhina, Marina Rostislavovna
D.Sc. in Philology, Professor of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor, Chief Researcher, English Philology Department, Head of the Research Laboratory Discourse Linguistics, VSSPU, Professor, Department of Germanic Studies and Linguodidactics, Moscow City University, Professor, Department of General Humanities and Mass Communications, Moscow International University, Director of the Scientific and Educational Center Person in Communication, Pyatigorsk State University, Director of the International Communicative Ethnopsychoanalysis Institute of Marina Zheltukhina, Volgograd / Pyatigorsk / Moscow, Russia

Cognitive linguistics studies the human mind, thinking and related mental processes and states, determines the types of knowledge and representation of this knowledge in a person's head. A cognition (according to E.S. Kubryakova) means a cognitive process or a set of mental (mental, thought) processes of perception of the world, simple observation of others, categorization, thinking, speech, etc., serving to process and process information. Our understanding of speech activity from the perspective of the integrative-cognitive approach corresponds to the idea of the structural unity of the cognitive plan of perception and generation of speech, which is especially important in the implementation of the mechanism of influence on consciousness. The information storage and reproduction is based on the following cognitive approaches:

1) radical image theory
2) conceptual-propositional theory
3) dual coding theory.

The main cognitive structures and operations are determined, which are realized in the process of perception and generation of speech when making an impact, based on the process of its flow in the chain: perception – representation – thinking – abstraction, and basic cognitive models are being developed (transformation, redefinition, reformulation at both the frame and verbal levels, i.e., replacing one of the elements of generalization or statement with a new word or phrase meaning approximately the same, but with different consequences).

The research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 22-28-01623)

Keywords: Cognitive Design, Media Consciousness, Citizens & State
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