Stroke as a factor of influence on the processes of consolidation and reconsolidation of auditory-speech and visual-image memory (based on the 2021–2023 experimental study at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University)

Nikishina, Vera Borisovna
A medical psychologist—D.Sc. in Psychology, Professor, Director of the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Social Work, the RNIMU named after N. I. Pirogov, Member of the Expert Council Board of the Higher Attestation Commission on Psychology and Pedagogy of the Russian Federation

Zakharova, Irina Aleksandrovna
A medical psychologist—Senior Lecturer, the Department of General Psychology and Developmental Psychology, Director of the Training Center for Medical Psychologists’ Accreditation, the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Social Work, The RNIMU named after N. I. Pirogov

Objective: to study the influence of factors of acute cerebrovascular accident or chronic cerebral ischemia on the processes of consolidation and reconsolidation of visual-image and auditory-speech memory. The project included was 108 people, the average age—65.6 ± 3.5 years; 3 samples were involved: with a diagnosis of I69.3—“Consequences of a brain infarction”—with left-sided and right-sided localization of the lesion and I67.8—“Other specified lesions of the cerebral vessels” (according to ICD-10).
The samples were gender-balanced. The reconstruction of F. Bartlett’s experiment was carried out.
In chronic cerebral ischemia, the instability of memory traces leads to a reduction and partial loss of visual-figurative and auditory-speech content. At the same time, in the process of reconsolidation of information, its concretization and simplification occurs. With left-sided localization of the focus of ischemic stroke, perception is characterized by a violation of the sequence of information processing. There is a holistic transfer with the loss of specific details. These features are caused by a hemispheric violation of successivity. Right-sided localization leads to the fact that while preserving information, its holistic perception is difficult—multiple details are transmitted, the general symbolism of the image and text is lost.

Keywords: memory, consolidation, reconsolidation, auditory-speech memory, visual-image memory
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