The Image’s Representation of the Digital Future in public communications

Gubanov Alexander Vladimirovich
Cand. Sci. in Sociology, Senior Specialist in Social Networks of the Autonomous Noncommercial Organization for the Development of Digital Projects in the Field of Public Relations and Communications DIALOG REGIONS

Ogurtsov Dmitry Aleksandrovich
Postgraduate Student for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Academic Program, MIPT University

Amentes Artem Vazhayevich
Graduate Student for Methods and Technologies of Artificial Intelligence Academic Program, MIPT University

Gavrilchenko Kirill Eduardovich
Postgraduate Student in Sociology of Management, the Belgorod State National Research University

Mass media and social media not only reflect news information, but also in a certain way form ideas about the future in the space of public communications. The study of media discourse, which reflects the key concepts of digital society, allows us to describe the image of the digital future constructed by the subjects of the media space. The textual representation of the perception of certain phenomena of digital society is essential in this sense, since a person extracts a significant share of information about them from the media space. Textual means of constructing the image of the digital future of the country are becoming the subject of research. The purpose of the study was to identify information guides that influence the process of representing the image of the digital future of Russia.

The research is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Goszadaniye) № 075-03-2023-106, project No. FSMG-2023-0029

Keywords: digital society, digitalization, image of the future, image of the digital future, mass media, social media
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