Multimedia Exposition “Heroes of My City“: the School Museum in the Age of Digital Technologies
Klemeshov, Aleksey Stanislavovich Cand. Sci. for Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of General History, State University of Education, Assistant Professor, Humanities & Social Sciences Center, MIPT University, Moscow, Russia
Krestyanikova, Maria Andreyevna Music Teacher, Dolgoprudny Gymnasium, Dolgoprudny, Russia
The Dolgoprudny Gymnasium’s students Members of the School Club for Young Historians, Dolgoprudny, Russia
Abstract The digitalisation’s process in education including very different institutions, e.g. school museums have become one of the most notable innovations of recent years in the Russian educational space. The success of changing the image of school museums, as well as school education as a whole, is largely related to the formation of a demand “from below" for such changes. The spreading fashion for generating new images and visualising the most heterogeneous content with the help of artificial neural networks is synchronised with the growing interest in the historical past and the demand of children and young people to change the format of learning about the history, in particular, of their native land, and mastering this history. The report presents some interim results of the work of participants of the Young Historian school club in Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, created in the collaboration between Dolgoprudny Gymnasium and MIPT University. This work is aimed at developing an exemplary model of a multimedia exposition created with the use of digital technologies and artificial neural networks, first of all, MyHeritage neural network, and dedicated to famous people in the past and present of a homeland, in this case, Dolgoprudny urban district, whose achievements are significant for the history and modernity of this micro-region.
Keywords: school museum, digital technologies, patriotic education, MyHeritage artificial neural network