The Affective Machine-human Communication in Media Formats (the Example of Video Games)

Denikin, Anton Anatolyevich
Cand. Sci. in Cultural Studies, Head of the Department of Sound Engineering, GITIS, Professor, Department of Sound Engineering and Musical Art, Professor, GITR Film & Television School

The report examines affect as a non-representative communicative means and condition of modern human and machine-human interactions. Philosophical analysis of the term "affect" shows that in the humanities affect is often used either as a universal term for various emotional states - feelings, moods, emotions and passions, or as a "intense force", different from emotions and feelings.Understanding affects as an intense force interprets them as events that transcend human will and the possibility of their conscious control. It seems possible to combine approaches when affect, being partially accessible to discursive understanding through understanding the results of actions, nevertheless produces a "non-discursive residue" that is realized in addition to any human will, manifesting itself in body-object assemblages in the processes of affective communications. Examples of such affective communication are illustrated with the help of modern media formats, in particular online blogs and video games. It is shown that affect and intelligence depend on each other in interactive reception and video game activity. Cognitive acts can become a context for the movement of affect, and the affects themselves can influence the thinking and actions of players. Affect theory makes it possible to comprehend new ways of more-than-human organization of information exchange processes. Thus, the effect of affect can be used to explain modern collective forms of machine-human communication and joint creative media perception.12:05

Keywords: affect, affective experience, affective economics, communication studies, affective media, video games, posthuman affective communication, more-than-human
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