Predictive Analytics Based on Online-Communications

Raskhodchikov, Alexey Nikolaevich
Cand. Sci. in Sociology, Chairman of the Board of the Gorod Moscow Urban Center

The speed of social change and the scale of big data in online communication research require the use of technological tools and software solutions within interdisciplinary research.
At the same time, the uncritical transfer of methods of cybernetics, synergetics, and mathematical modeling to social processes at best produces irrelevant results. At worst, it forms conclusions and forecasts that are fraught with social upheaval.
The design of an interdisciplinary study largely depends on the object of analysis and, accordingly, the methodological foundations that most reliably explain the changes taking place.
The report presents the features of using software systems, neural network and social technologies for analyzing communications in social networks. The examples of tools for analytical support of management decision-making and identification of risks of social conflicts are described.

Keywords: interdisciplinary research, social networks, sociology of management, predictive analytics, neural networks
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