Engineers + linguists = love, or on the experience of MIPT+RSUH joint projects

Ivoylova, Alexandra Mikhailovna
Senior Lecturer of the Educational and Scientific Center of Computational Linguistics of RSUH, Assistant of the Department of Intellectual Document Processing of MIPT, Moscow, Russia

They say, each time a linguist gets fired at a NLP company the quality of its products goes up: is that true? How can technologists and humanists (they get offended when you call them like that) work in a team? Actually, such teamwork can yield really good results: Intelligent Document Processing department students have been working with RSUH students of the Institute of Linguistics for several years. The report focuses on some such projects, e.g., GICR, CoBaLD and a few small ones.

Keywords: linguistic projects, NLP, Intelligent Document Processing, GICR, CoBaLD
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